22 Gennaio 2025

Report del Beacon in 10 metri

Riportiamo quanto ricevuto via e-mail: 

Dear Sir,
My name is Arvid, and I am a radio enthusiast from Kristiansand, Norway.
I have been a radio enthusiast for 40 years now, mostly devoted to broadcasting and SWL, but the last years also HF beacons, HAMs and VHF/FM reception. 10 meter is definitely my favourite HAM band – you never know what can be received.
I was very happy to hear your beacon on 28.288 MHz.
I have written some details regarding the reception, I hope you like it:

Time of reception: 11.38- UTC, October, 14., 2022.

I I listen remote via the Kiwi SDR receiver, at Budor, near Hamar, south east Norway.
The antenna is an unterminated longwire, direction e/w, length: 110m.

If you had the time to send an e-mail to confirm my reception of IQ7PU/B , I would be happy to receive a confirmation of reception E-mail reply is fine. QSL card is most welcome, but only if you want to send me one, of course.

The kindest regards from Kristiansand, Norway,

It was very nice to pick up your signal.

Mr. Arvid Husdal ..  Norway.


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